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U P Govt. Notification for Leave with Wages due to Covid 19 #wages #benefits


         In pursuance of the provisions of clause (3) of Article 348 of the
Constitution, the Governor is pleased to order the publication of the following
English translation of notification no. 09 /2020/446/xxxvi-03-2020-30(sa)/2020
Dated 20 March, 2020
No.09 /2020/446 /xxxvi- 03-2020-30(sa)/2020
Lucknow, Dated 20 March, 2020
WHEREAS the State Government is satisfied that the state is threatened
with an outbreak of Covid-19 disease which is dangerous epidemic disease and
the ordinary provisios of law for the time being in force are insufficient for the
             NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers given under section-2 of
the Epidemic Disease Act-1897 (Act no.3 of 1897) the Governor is pleased to
prescribe the following regulations-

  1. The employees/workmen affected by Covid-19 or who are suspected to be
    affected by Covid-19 and kept in isolation will be provided paid leave of
    28 days by their employers. Such leave shall be permissible only when
    such workman or employees provide/submit a medical certificate in this
    regard to their employer or authorised person at the time of joining duties
    after fitness.
  2. Employee/Workmen of the shops/commercial establishment/factories
    which closed temporally by the orders of the State Government or District
    Magistrate shall be provided holiday with wages by their employer for the
    period of such temporary closure.
  3. All shop/Commercial establishment/factories where ten or more workmen
    are employed shall display on notice board and main gate of the
    establishment safety measures prescribed by the Central Government or
    the State Government for prevention of Covid- 19.
  4. This order shall come into force immediately after issuance of this

                                                                                                     By Order,
                                                                                           ( Suresh Chandra )
                                                                                          Principal Secretary 


                         UP Gov Notification for employees Wages & Leave

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